The a+b squared formula is a mathematical equation that calculates the sum of two squares. Specifically, it calculates the square of the sum of two numbers, a and b. The equation is written as follows: a+b squared= (a+b)^2.

a+b squared

The a+b squared formula calculates the sum of a and b squared. In other words, it calculates the result of adding a number to itself twice. Here’s an example:

If you enter 2 + 2 into the formula, it will return 4 (2 + 2 = 4).

Answer: The a+b squared formula is a mathematical equation that calculates the sum of two numbers, a and b, when multiplied together. When put into symbols, the equation looks like this: (a+b)^2. This means that the answer to the equation is found by multiplying a and b together, then squaring that result.